ACCO mætir á FHA í Singapore

Singapore (FHA) sýning haldin á tveggja ára fresti, sem er umfangsmesta alþjóðlega mat Asíu & gestrisni viðskipti atburður. FHV sló í gegn umtalsvert á þessu ári þar sem það fagnaði alls 47,630 þátttakendur í viðskiptum þar sem gestir voru með, sýningarstarfsfólk, keppnisdómarar og þátttakendur, og fjölmiðlamenn. Trade visitors and exhibitors alike were impressed by the show from April 24th to 27th, whether it is from technological innovation or brand influence, Chinese manufacturing companies gradually gained global recognition, and ACCO is one of them. Moreover, there was a good crowd with quality buyers over the four days. ACCO had our regular customers here to support us, and have also met new customers as well.

ACCO mætir á FHA í Singapore